To Be Selected
Sorn Srey Mom was born on February 6th, 2006 in Lvea Village, Chey Commune, Kampong Svay District, Kampong Thom Province. She is a student in 8th grade at The Kozak Ohana School # 285 or Trapaing Arak Secondary School. It is located in Trapaing Arak Village, Chey
Commune, Kampong Svay District, Kampong Thom Province.
Srey Mon has 4 siblings and she is the third child in the family. Her father’s name is Mr.Suy Sorn and her mother’s name is Brak Kom, both of them are farmers. The family owns one hectare of farm land; in which they can earn up to $250 a year in rice production. As this is not enough to support the family’s needs, Srey Mom’s father commonly has to work for others. He has to carry sacks of cement, in which he can earn $5-6 a day. This means, that even with this additional income, the parents do not have enough money to support the family and their children’s everyday needs. As a result, Srey Mom commonly has to miss school to stay home and help to care for her siblings or help in the rice field and other housework.
Srey Mom wants to be a teacher when she grows up so she can share knowledge to other people and all the students in her community.
Date Posted: November 2018