Sorn Sreythach

Sorn Sreythach is 14 years old and is going to be in the 8th grade in 2020. She lives in Kbal Turk village, Phnom Srouch commune, Kampong Speu province.
She is the eldest child in her family and has three siblings: one brother and two sisters.
Her father’s name is Kim Sokun. He is 43 years old and is a farmer.
Her mother’s name is Chhom Sreymom. She is 42 years old and is a farmer.
They have their own farmland about a hectare and it can produce about 800kg to 1000kg of rice per year. On top of this, her father has another job as a homeworker and sometimes her mother goes to cut mangoes for those who need her work. With these jobs, they earn about $200 every few months.
Sreythach walks 15 minutes from her house to school. Every day, she helps her mother clean the house, cook, and do the laundry. She loves to study in her free time and she likes to read books. Her favorite animal is the cat.
In the future, she wants to become a teacher because she wants to help other people and support her family.
Updated: Jan. 2020