Sorng San

Sorng San is a 14-year-old student in grade 6th in Grace, Hope, Beloved school, which is located in Boeng Veng village, Tangkrasang commune, Batheay district and Kampong Cham province.
San was born in Phnom Vihea village, Tangkrasang commune, Batheay district and Kampong Cham province. She has gotten three siblings and she is the first child in the family. Her house is located far from the school about 1.5km.
Her parents are residents in the address above but they do not own any of a land to do the farming. The standard of her family’s living is to earn a living by doing odd jobs. Her parents commonly went to work at other farms of the neighbors in order to earn $4 each in per day. San said that it’s a miserable time for her parents went away to find incomes to help the family. San described that, “sometimes, her parents went away for a week and then they came back home with little money. So it was very bad fate that she stayed fearfully with only her siblings during the nighttime when her parents went away for finding the money”.
Howsoever, the money which her parents hardily got from their work still was inadequate to support as family’s needs such as food and other expenses for her younger sister’s study and hers.
For Sung San’s future goal, she dreams that she wants to be a doctor at a clinic in Batheay district because she is intent to rescue her people in her village. On the other hand, she can rescue her parents and her siblings as well.
Date posted: June 2018