To Be Selected
Sreang Sokly is 15 years old student in 9th grade at The Tokatsu Espoir School, which is located in Ta Khong village, Trien commune, Kampong Siem district and Kampong Cham province.
Sokly is first child with two younger sisters. Her father’s name is Mr. Sroun Sreang, 35 years old. Her mother’s name is Mrs. Srean Sokkea, 36 years old and they are farmers.
Her parents are farmers who own 0.2 hectares for farmland for growing rice. Sokly narrated that their farmlands furthest located from the water resource, which increasingly difficult to get water to supply their rice field so that their rice field depends on natural raining only. According to these reasons so her parents can gather 6 sacks of rice’s production and one sack of rice is about 75-80 kilogram.
After gathering rice is completely finished her father hasn’t still stayed at home and he went to work as seasonal workers in order to get 70,000 riels for three days to support his family.
In the free time, Sokly likes reading book, doing exercise, doing housework and she helps teach her sister at home as well. In the future, she wants to be a good teacher because she loves teaching young children, she loves this job so much because of she wants to earn more money to support her family.
Date Posted: November, 2018