To Be Selected
Srey Ngim is a 15 years old student in 8th grade at The IROHA School #470, which is located in O Svay village, O Svay commune, Thalaborivath district, and Stung Treng province.
Ngim has gotten only four siblings including her. She is the second born in the family. Unfortunately, her parents were divorced and her father married a second wife and he lived in diverse village with his new wife. Ngim said that her mother has owned a small plot of farmland which could produce rice yearly. Every year her mother gathers about 25 sacks of rice and a quantity of one sack of rice is about 50kgs to 60kgs.
Ngim revealed that after gathering the rice’s fruit then her mother sold out for 15 sacks of rice in pursuant to pay for other debts of ailment’s treatment, rice’s fertilizers and food. Totally, that income couldn’t work out for the cost of school uniform and schooling so that her mother had to grow some veggies and she had to raise a few hens due to get baby chickens for selling.
Ngim confirmed even though her mother had a hard pursuit of incomes from veggies growing and chickens’ raising either but it didn’t still adequately manage the family so well. Therefore, she was sometimes asked to stop from school for a few days’ period in order to work with her mother for seeking little income for the family’s settlement.
For her future goal, she wishes to be a teacher of Khmer literature and mathematic because she prefers to teach these subjects to the kids of a next generation.
Updated: April, 2018