To Be Selected
Sreynith Srorm, 15 years old, female, having three siblings, one sister and two brothers, the third child in the family, studies in grade 7 at The Ascham Community School # 281 in Pou Rang village, Senmonorom commune, OReang district, Mondulkiri province.
Sreynith, a charming, friendly, works hard, and studies hard student, is an orphan. She lives with her mother. Unfortunately, Sreynith’s father passed away when she was a little girl so her whole families depend on her mother. Nhes Da, 39 years old, a farmer, is her mom. They have one and haft hectare of farmland that can produce 185 kg of rice per year. Her mother earns $ 25 per month by going to forest in order to collect some fruit, vegetables, and resin. Sreynith receives $ 10 per month from her mom to pay for school equipment. Sreynith’s families are minority people. Their house, making from wood, located on the hill, is in Po Trong village, Semonorom commune, O Reang district, Mondulkiri province. On the other hand, Sreynith, often getting good score very month, is good student in her class.
Sreynith, studying hard all subjects, wants to be a secondary school teacher. She will help and share her knowledge to improve her community living condition through education sector.
Date posted: June 2018