To Be Selected
Sum Thida is 15 years old, a student in 9th grade at The House of Joy and Happiness which is located in Thkeng village, Rohas commune, Rovieng district, and Preah Vihear province.
Thida was born in a poor and big family with 9 members, her parents, two brothers and five sisters including her. She is the seventh child in the family. Her parents are farmers. They have owned the land of 20 meters by 30 meters for the house. Thida said that her parents can produce rice depend on the other villagers farmland that the let them share the rice field. So for yearly of producing rice her parents could get about 1.5 to 2 tons of rice based on the yields. After that they sold out for one ton for $200 for their family’s needs. Anyhow, that revenue is not enough to support for her whole members even her clothes and schooling supplies as well.
Thida has not attended the classes regularly because sometimes, her parents asked her to help them take care of the animals and in the rice field.
In the future, she wants to be a teacher, she hopes she will be able to get salary to support her family and give them to get a better life. And most importantly, she would like to share her knowledge to the children to develop the country.
Updated: August 2018