Sun Pisey

Sun Pisey, she has 14 years old. She born on 31st October 2005, and she lives in Thnong Village, Moung Riev Commune, Tbong Khmum District, Tbong Khmum Province.
She is in grade 7th at The Green Family School II #419, Located in Cheung Khal Village, Moung Riev Commune, Tbong Khmum District, Tbong Khmum Province. Pisey has 4 siblings, the four girls and Pisey is the second child in the family. Her father name’s Mr. Khom Sun, he has 56 years old, and her mother name’s Ms. Kheun Sokhy, she is died by illness in 2015 years. All child live with father. Pisey’s father is a farmer, and who own 0.5 hectares of farmland for transplanting rice. And their farmland is very far away from home. He can gather six to seven packs of rice’s
production and the quantity of one sack of rice is about 80kg per year. From the farm work, her father feed and look after the animals like cows and chickens in order earn benefit to support the whole family.
In her free time, she helps to do housework, homework, helping her mother feeding the animals. She goes to school every day and never misses the class and she is a smart and clever student. Pisey’s goals want to be a good English Teacher. She wants to teach all students in her Location, she thinks that in her location is nearby her home.
Date posted: January 2020