To Be Selected
Sun Socheata is 14 years old and she is in the ninth grade. She lives in Doung Village, Chuom Songke Commune, Phnom Srouch District, Kompong Spue province.
She is the eldest in her family and has three siblings: two brothers and a sister.
Her father’s name is Van Sokha. He is 40 years old and is a farmer.
Her mother’s name is Sun Nary. She is 38 years old and works at a factory.
Her family gets $200 per month from their job. They have their own farmland which is about a hectare and they can produce about 1,000kg to 1,300kg of rice per year.
Socheata rides her bike to school, which takes about 40 minutes. Every day, she helps her mom clean the house, does laundry, and cooks.
In her free time, she likes to do her homework. Her favorite color is yellow and she loves chicken.
In the future, she wants to be a teacher because she would like to teach the student in her village to have a good job and help her family live a better life.
Updated: Jan. 2020