To Be Selected
Nita is 15 years old, and she is in grade 10 at Ben Teay Meas high School in Tuk Meas village, Tuk Meas Commune, Ben Teay Meas District, Kampot province.
She is the first child in the family. Her eye has been blind since 2005. She has a younger sister. Her father’ name Mr. Sen Sok and her mother ‘name Mrs. Lonh Phea. Her parents are farmers. The family owns one hectare of farm land; in which they can earn up to $300 a year in rice product. As this is not enough to support the family’s needs, Nita’s parents commonly had to plant some vegetable. They can earn up around 30,000 riels of selling vegetable a day. Unfortunately, this work is not allow Nita’s parents regularly in school. However, the family is very difficult for living.
Nita wants to become a doctor; she wants to help all sick people in her commune. She also wants to help her family to live with the best life.
Updated: April, 2018