Tauk Sreipech

Tauk Sreipech is 11 years old and she is in grade 5 at The Wahrenbrock Family School #235 in Takeo province, Koh Antet district, Pech Sar commune, Chong Angkar village.
Sreipech has four members in her family. There are two parents and one sister. She is the first child in her family. Sreipech’s parents are builder workers day-to-day in Thailand. And they have earned money about the average of their positions is 20,000 Riels per day. As the family is poor, they had no field farmland and have not enough money to support Sreipech’s study supplies. Sreipech commonly rides a bicycle to school. When she arrived home, she needs to do housework, takes care of her younger sister and various chores.
Sreipech wants to be a doctor when she grows up because she wants to assist patients in rural villages.
Date posted: February 2019