To Be Selected
Tep Houn was born on 18, March, 2004 in Svay Chek village, Svay Chek Commune, Romdoul District, Svay Rieng province. She is in the 8th grade at The Svay Chek Secondary School, which is located in Anlong Spean village, Svay Chek Commune, Romdoul District, Svay Rieng province.
Tep Houn has 3 siblings and she is the Second in the family. Her father‘s name is Mr. Tep Voung and her mother name is Ech Sreymao, both of them are farmers. The family owns one hectare of farm land; in which they can earn up to $300 a year in rice production. As this is not enough to support the family’s needs, Houn’s father commonly has to work for others. He has to dig the land put to the car. One day they can earn $4 or $5. This means, that even with this additional income, the parents do not have enough money to support the family and their children’s everyday needs. As a result, Houn commonly has to come late to school to help her siblings or help in the rice field and other housework.
Houn’s goal wanted to be a Police; she thinks that become a Police could solve all the problems for her relative in community.
Date Posted: November 2018