To Be Selected
Thach Sreisros is an 11 years old student in grade 3 at the Wahrenbrock Family School, #235 in Chong Angkar village, Pech Sar commune, Koh Andet district, Takeo province
There are seven members in her family. She has one brother and four sisters. She is youngest child in the family. Her parents do not have any lands for growing rice. Her father was crippled leg and arm. Her mother works as cleaner at shop in Phnom Penh and she sends little money home very month for buying rice and food.
Thach Sreisros and her sisters have to work hard on the farm, and do other work such as helping with the harvesting of their neighbor’s rice. This work earns them about 5.00 a day. It is not regular.
Date Posted: February, 2017