To Be Selected
Thin Minea is 13 years old, a student in 7th grade at Rak Smey Rik Reay junior high school in Bos village, Rik Reay commune, Rovieng district, and Preah Vihear province.
There are 8 members in her family, two grandmothers, one grandfather, parents, one younger sister and one younger brother. She is the first child in her family. Her parents are farmers who own three hectares of farmland where they can grow rice for 3,000 kg of the rice products per year, they take a port of those rice product about 1000 kg to sell for money to support the need of the family. Her family has a paddy field that is far away from home. In the planting or harvesting season they have to leave home about two months in order to work on the farm field. So Minea stays at home with her two grandmothers, one grandpa, a younger sister and a younger brother. To increase more farm spaces, her parents borrowed $2,000 from the bank to hire tractor to clear out trees from their farmland. When her father finishes the farm work he works as a construction worker and gets 25,000 riels per day, and her mother grows some vegetables and feeds chickens, ducks and pigs at home.
Minea is a good student she works hard in school and at home. After school she helps her mother with housework, take care her younger siblings, pets and read books. Sometimes she wants to earn money to help her parents at farm and sometime the neighbors hired her to grow cassava with 15,000 riels per day.
In the future she wants to be a police officer because she loves this job and wants to protect the villagers, protect good people and against gangsters in the community. Beside this job she wants to sell something at home and feed some pets for sale to improve her living life.
Date Posted: 26/ February / 2019.