To Be Selected
Thoeun Socheata was born on November 05, 2006 in Orn Doung Breng Village, Preah Khlang Commune. She is in the 5th grade at the Dyer Family Friendship School # 261. Dyer. It is locate in Beng Kaung village, Preah Kleung commune, Thbeng Meanchey district, Preah Vihear province.
Socheata has 5 siblings and she is fifth in the family. Her farther name is Mr. En Thoeun and her mother name is Ing Sothein, both of them are farmers. The family owns a hectare of farm land; in which they can earn up to $300 a year in rice production. As this is not enough to support the family’s needs. Socheata’s farther commonly has to go on trips to be a slave. He has to carry the sack of cement. A day he can earn $6. This means, that even with this additional income, the parents do not have enough money to support the family and their children’s everyday needs. As a result, Socheata commonly has to miss school to stay home and help to care for her siblings or help in the rice field and other housework.
Socheata’s goal wanted to be a doctor. She wants to cure all the people in her location, she thinks that in her location is far from hospital.
Date posted: March 5, 2018