To Be Selected
Thoeurn Kanha is 12 years old and studying in 7th grade at Masako Sato School in Putreng village, Dakdam commune, Orang district, Mondulkiri province.
Kagna was born in a poor family with four members. She has one younger sister, her mother, and her grandmother. Her mother is a widow. Her parent was divorced two years ago, since then Kagna and her sister live with her mother. Her mother is a seller and farmer as well in her village. She has a farmland near the village which is the best place to grow vegetables so Kagna’s mother and her grandmother are planting vegetables to sell. It’s takes about two and half months to get harvest. The produce from the veggies growing once is about $250 but it’s not the regular income
and not possible in rainy season. Every early in the morning she went to buy some vegetables and fishes from the market in order to sell and make some daily profit to provide the family .The daily profit from selling in average is about 15,000 riels to 20,000 riels per day but it’s not regular income because the market is far away and rain a lot in raining season. However, the income is not enough to provide the family. Kagna is a good girl she helps her mother to do housework after school and sometimes she need to help her mother the whole day, that is reason she got absent at school.
In future, Kagna wants to be an English teacher. She wants to teach the children in her community to get better knowledge and easy for them to find a good job in society.
Date posted: November 2018