Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

To Be Selected

Trech Khrorphum is a 15-years-old. She is a student in Grade 9 at The Naohriro Nishiya School in O’Pork Samky village, Meanreth commune, Sondan district, Kompong Thom province.

Khrorphum was born in a small village in the countryside in Prey Long Community. She lives in a small house with her family and she has three siblings, one sister and two brothers. She is the second child in family. The road from her home to school maybe 6 km, but most of the streets are quieter and difficult to travel.  Her parents are farmers and they have a half-hectare of farmland. Their rice yield is 1000 kg in per year because they can grow rice only once a year due to limitation of water sources. In order to assure three meals for family, her father often goes into forest to find latex from trees. Normally, he can earn about $2 in a day, but it is not regular income. The family’s income is not enough for support their family.

While her parents are busy in rice field, Khrorphum has to respond to do housework and to take care of her younger siblings. She is study hard. Sometime she has nothing to ride to school so she has to go to school by walk. She love studying and thinks that education can gives her a better life.

In the future she wants to be a nurse and she hopes her dream come true and she wants to help her parents and her brother to live in a better life. Anyway she wants to be a nurse because no hospital in her village so she hope in a short future will have a hospital in her community and can helps all the peoples, especially younger and older people.

Updated: April, 2018