To Be Selected
Un Sievlang is 11 years old, grade 5 at Peam Khvav Primary School, located in Peam Khrav village, Dom Bokrong commune, Phom Srouch district and Kampong Speu province.
There are 5 members in her family including her parents. Un Sievlang has one brother, two sisters including her. She is the first child in her family. Her father’s name is Srey Travo, 48 years old and he is a palm climber. Her mother’s name is Him Reun, 36 years old and she is a mango gatherer. She can earns 30,000 riels a day in season. They are also having farmland about 500 m2. Her family takes crop yield of rice about 400 kg in per year and they keep for daily eating in the whole year. This family is very poor and sometime they don’t have money to buy school supplies for their children.
Sievlang go to school by walk because she doesn’t have money to buy a bicycle and sometime she goes to school with her friend. She always keeps tying to go to school and after school she always help her mother to do house work.
In future, Sievlang wants to be an English teacher. She wants to teach the children in her community to get better knowledge and easy for them to find a good job in society.
Updated: May, 2018