To Be Selected
Un Sreyneth is 13 years old. She studies in grade 9 at The Kirivorn School#90, which is located in Kirivorn village, Steung Chhay commune, Kampong Sela district and Preah Sihanouk province.
Sreyneth has gotten five members in her poor family; with her parents, one daughter, and two sons. Sreyneth is the first daughter in her family. Her parents are farmers but they haven’t owned any farmland for the rice transplantation. Currently, her father plies as a logger. Every early morning her father commonly goes into the forest for logging and gets back home in late evening. Sreyneth’s father can earn from $3 to $4 per day from his job.
Her mother is a housewife. Sreyneth is a good daughter because when she is free from schooling she always helps her mother’s house chores and she is also a smart student of The Kirivorn School#90. In the morning after she finished the English/computer classes, she always waited for the state school’s afternoon shift with her younger brother because her house is located further from school.
When Sreyneth grows up she wants to become the teacher of Khmer literature because she prefers this subject and she wants to share her knowledge to her village’s kids as well.
Date posted: April, 2018