To Be Selected
Sokchea is 13 years old, student in 8th grade at the Dahlia Sam School in Roung Mashin village, Tasal commune, O’ral district, Kampong Speu province.
Sokchea has a sister and a brother. Her sister got married and lives in another family. Her father is a widower man after her mother died since she was 5 years old. But her family condition was separated because his father go to work far away from home as field watchman for another landlord. For her father, he has chronic disease with his body and always got sick. Besides, his father rarely come to meet his son and daughter because he lives far away from the village. For Sokchea brother, he lived with neighbor family who adopted him in the same village after her mother died. Sokchea used to live alone in a small house like in the photo. But, a family who is her neighbor see like this, they feel pity with her condition. So, they take her to live with them. They are not her relatives, only just a neighbor. But, they always takes care and pay attention with her study and adopt her as their daughter. Sokchea has no farmland. She has only field land where surrounding by thick forest and never arrange as a field land produce anything. But when she lives with uncle and aunt, their family can earn about 15,000 to 20,000 riels a day for support family.
In free time, Sokchea loves to read books, does housework and homework. After school she always help uncle and aunt who adopt her doing housework and farm work. For school day, uncle and aunt give her 500 to 1,000 riels.
In the future, Sokchea wants to be a teacher because she loves teaching and wants to share knowledge to next generation. She thinks that her job is the honor for her and her future. She wants to earn money for support herself and her family and wants to live as a united like another family.
November 2018