To Be Selected
Van Torn Pisey is 15 years old, and in grade 8 at The Savant School in Taney village, Choam Sangkea commune, Phnom Sruoch district, Kompong Speu province.
There are 6 members in her family, two parents, two sons and two daughters. Tornpisey is the second child in the family. Her parents are farmers who own one and a half hectares of farmland to grow rice, producing 1-2 tons per year. The family is able to sell some of the rice, earning 500,000 Riel, and the rest is used as food for the family. For additional income, the family picks mangos when they are not busy, earning 30,000 Riels a day.
Torn Pisey is a good student and daughter. She works hard in class, and when she is not studying, she is helping her mother with housework, taking care of her younger siblings or picking mangos to help support the family.
In the future she wants to become a Khmer teacher. She wants to share her knowledge and teach the children in her commune about Khmer letters and Khmer stories. Most importantly, she would like to be able to support her family and give them an opportunity to live a better life.
Date Posted: February, 2018