To Be Selected
Vanna Sreynohn is 10 years old and she is minority tribe. She studies in grade 3rd at The Mr. and Mrs. Sak Nhep School and she lives in Chorng Ra Village Batang Commune, Lumphat District Ratanakiri Province.
There are 5 members in the family, grandmother, parents and two sisters including her. Vanna Sreynohn is the first child in her family and she has got one little sister. Her parents are family and they have got one broken home with the land width 15m and length 20m. They have own farmland is about one hectare for growing rice and can producing for 1200 kg of rice and they keep for 500 kg for daily eating in the whole year and sold 700kg, get $210 for support their living.
This income is not enough to support the family’s needs, so Vanna Sreynohn’s father has to carry the rice sack for others to earn more money. He can earn 25000 Riels (5$) in a day. Even with this additional income, the parents do not have enough money to support the family and their children’s everyday needs. Because of this, Vanna Sreynohn commonly misses school to stay home and help in the rice field and with other housework.
In the future, Vanna Sreynohn wants to be a police officer because she thinks she could help solve all the safety problems for her relatives and community.
Date posted: April, 2018