Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

To Be Selected

Vanna Sy, 19 years old, female, having two siblings, one sister and one  brother,  the second child in the family, studies in grade 10 at Ascham Community School # 281 in Pou Rang village, Senmonorom commune, OReang district, Mondulkiri province.

She was born in Po Kreng village, Dak Dam commune, O Reang district, Mondulkiri province. Her father, a farmer, 48 years old, names Bunsy El. And her mother, 38 years old, a farmer, names Ronhor Dam. Vanna’s parents, owning two hectare of farmland, producing about 370 kg of rice per year, earning about $ 50 per month, are poor minority family (Buo Nong). Furthermore, they raise some of animals like five chickens, four pigs, five ducks, four cows, and grow some of the vegetable and fruits behind the house to make some food. Despite, working on the farm, they go to forest to collect fruit, resin, vegetables, fishing, and trap wild animals to sell in the local market. Their house, is small, making from wood, located on the hill, isolated from the villager, is far from school. It’s about 50 kilometers from school to her house so now she stays at dormitory, located close to school. Moreover, Vanna couldn’t go and back home on the weekday she will go home on the weekend to bring some food. At the school, Vanna, a friendly student, loving studying, always coming to school on time, studying hard, working hard together to help schoolwork is a good student. She usually gets good marks. She receives only $ 10 a month from her parents to support herself at school time.

In the future, she wants to be a policewoman, because she can protect and give the justice to her family as well as minority people.

Date posted: June 2018