Yam Yanchhaiya

Yam Yanchhaiya is 12 years old, grade 6 at Vasaskolan School located in Angbaksey village, CheangTorng commune, Tramkak district, Takeo province.
Yanchhaiya has 7 siblings with 5 brothers and 2 sisters and she is the last child in the family. There are 5 members in family, parents, aunt and a sister. Her eldest brother works as a construction worker in Phnom Penh city and other four brothers work at garment factory. Her parents are farmers. Occasionally, her father works as a construction worker and feeds animals to earn more profits for family. They own about 25 Acres of land where they can gather 10 baskets of rice product per season. Her parents earn 200$ per month but they have to pay for the debt to the bank. They are in debt around 6,000$. She always helps her parents’ works after class and reads books.
In the future, she wants to be a doctor because she can help sick people and her relatives when they got sick. If she is a doctor, she will cure and give them the fair treatment. She wants to help her family to get a better living.
Date posted: May, 2018