Yaun Chanthe

Yaun Chanthe is 11 years old and she is in grade 6 at The Wahrenbrock Family School #235 in Takeo province, Koh Andet district, Pech Sar Commune, and Chong Angkar village.
Chanthe has three members in her family. There are two parents. She is the only child in her family. She was born in a poor family and her mother have a health problem that needs to take medicine every day.
Chanthe’s parents had no field farmland. Her mother’s job is a housewife and her father is a builder workman in Phnom Penh city. He has earned money 30,000 Riels per day. As the family is poor and they have no enough money to support Chanthe’s study supplies and her mother’s medicine.
Chanthe generally rides a bicycle to school and come back home. When she arrived home she needs to help her mother with housework and various chores.
Chanthe wants to be a doctor when she grows up because she really wants to try her best to assist the patients in rural areas.
Updated: December 2020