To Be Selected
Yen Than is a 11 years old student in grade 5 at the Wahrenbrock Family School in Takeo province, Koh Andet district, Pech Sar commune, Chong Angkar village.
Than was born in a big and poor family of seven members. She has gotten three brothers and two sisters included her. She is the youngest child in the family. Her parents haven’t gotten farmland for transplanting rice. Recently, her parents have worked as a day by day laborer in village and sometimes, have moved to Phnom Penh. Her mother has worked as pulling out the rice and transplanting the rice. They take a little revenue from their roles. Anyways, Than doesn’t have enough money to buy food and school supplies during she is studying at school. Anyhow, she always helps her mother the housework every day after school and day off.
Date Posted: February, 2017