To Be Selected
Yeourn Seyma is 14 years old, and in the 8th grade at The Hun Sen Rovieng Secondary School in Tang Trork village, Robieb commune, Rovieng District, Preah Vihear Province.
There are 6 members in her family, parents, two older brothers and one younger brother. She is the third child in her family. Her parents are farmers who own one and a half hectares of farmland to grow paddy rice, producing 1,000 kg per year, and to grow cassava on a small plot of land to make their living. However, the yearly harvest is not enough to cover the family’s needs. Unfortunately, Seyma’s oldest brother has dropped out of school, and is now working on a farm to help support the family, earning approximately 15,000 – 20,000 Riel a day.
Seyma rides the bike to school every day and works hard in school. When Seyma is not busy with her studies, she needs to help her mother with housework. Additionally, she helps her parents during farming season on the rice field and with her siblings too.
In the future Seyma wants to be a teacher because she wants to share her knowledge to the kids in her commune. Moreover, when she has money, she will create and own a small business at her home.
Updated: January, 2018