To Be Selected
Yoan Sreynich is a 13 year-old student in the 7th grade at The Savant School, which is located in Taney village, Choam Sangker commune, Phnom Sruoch district, and Kampong Speu province.
Sreynich is the eldest daughter in her family and has one younger brother. Her father, Mr. Neb Veun and her mother, Nuon Sophoas, are both farmers owning one hectare of land to produce rice. Sreynich narrated that, nowadays, her father is working in Thailand as a construction worker, sending $100 home to her mother every month to pay off farm debt. Almost all the money that her father sends home goes towards paying off debt, and leaves little for daily needs, such as good, clothes and school supplies. As a result, Sreynich commonly misses school to go work on neighbor’s mango farms to help earn the family money.
Sreynich expressed her future goal as: “I want to become a teacher of Khmer literature because this subject is easy to understand for teaching to the kids in the next generation.”
Date Posted: February, 2018