Oun Vorn # 56

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Aeon Lychee School (July, 2001) Oun Vorn is a 13-year-old third grade student at the Aeon Lychee School.  He was ranked fourth of 43 students in his class at the end of last year.  His mother is a farmer and his father is a policeman. In Their Own Words. […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Aeon Lychee School

(July, 2001)

Oun Vorn is a 13-year-old third grade student at the Aeon Lychee School.  He was ranked fourth of 43 students in his class at the end of last year.  His mother is a farmer and his father is a policeman.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building: “The old building had a broken roof and tables, and the wind would knock down the walls, but in this building everything is new and unbroken.  It is very different because now we can come to school every day without worrying about rain or other things.”


On school subjects: “I like Khmer because I like to read.  Mathematics is the most difficult for me because it is difficult to figure out the answers.”


On his future: “I would like to become a doctor in order to take care of poor patients and my parents when they get old.  If I become a doctor, I will come back to my home village to cure all the sick people here.”