Sar Ngen # 70

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Soma School Mr. Sar Ngen, the school director (April, 2001) Mr. Sar Ngen is the school director of The Soma School. He is 56 years old. On the new school: “I am happy with the new school building. The old building always collapsed when it rained.”   On his […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Soma School

Mr. Sar Ngen, the school director (April, 2001)

Mr. Sar Ngen is the school director of The Soma School. He is 56 years old.

On the new school: “I am happy with the new school building. The old building always collapsed when it rained.”


On his past: “During the time of Pol Pot, I was a farmer here in this village. I have been a teacher since1980. I became a teacher because at that time there were a lack of teachers in the country, and I wanted to teach the next generation of Cambodians.”


On school subjects: “I like to teach all of the subject because I want them to learn everything. There is no subject can help their lives in the future. they do not like to learn Khmer because they think it is very difficult.”


On school life: “We have no problem at this school because everyone gets along. We try to teach the students teamwork and to keep them coming to school.”