Vong Boeun # 76

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kome Hyappyo (100 Sacks of Rice)  School No. Two (October, 2001) Mr. Vong Boeun is a farmer living near the school. In Their Own Words. . . About himself: “I am a farmer and I am married.  My wife is a farmer, too.  I live 100 meters from the […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kome Hyappyo (100 Sacks

of Rice)  School No. Two

(October, 2001)

Mr. Vong Boeun is a farmer living near the school.

In Their Own Words. . .

About himself: “I am a farmer and I am married.  My wife is a farmer, too.  I live 100 meters from the new school building and I have two children.  My son is five years old and my daughter is just 10 months old.  This month, I will take my son to enroll in first grade at the school.”


On the impact of the new building: “I think that this new building has helped develop the village because it is a good place for the children of the village to get an education.  It looks nice and I think that all the kids are very happy with it, too.”