Choek Khoeun # 87

The Cambodia Rural School Project The O Koki Kandal School Choek Khoeun is a first-grade student at the O Koki Kandal School On himself: I am ten years old. I have three brothers and one sister. All of them go to school with me. My parents are both farmers. They grow rice and also cut […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The O Koki Kandal School

Choek Khoeun is a first-grade student at the O Koki Kandal School

On himself: I am ten years old. I have three brothers and one sister. All of them go to school with me. My parents are both farmers. They grow rice and also cut bamboo and make cages [used for catching fish]. They often go into jungle to fish. Our house is 1200 meters away from the school. I walk to school every day.


On the new building: I am very happy. I have never studied in a school like this. Teachers there are good, too.


Favorite subject: I like Khmer because I like reading. I can also write well. My least favorite subject is social studies. I don’t understand it.


On his spare time: I work in the fields: I cut grasses and help plant rice. I also till the soil for the vegetables. Otherwise I like to play soccer with my friends. We usually play at school.


In the future:


I want to be a farmer and plant rice.


If he could travel anywhere: I would go to my father’s ‘homeland’: the Siem Reap province.