Han Heng # 88

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kirin School Han Heng is in fifth grade at the school.  In Their Own Words. . .  On the new building: “I am happy with the new school building because it is a concrete building.  When I studied in the old building it was very difficult because the roof […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kirin School

Han Heng is in fifth grade at the school. 

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building: “I am happy with the new school building because it is a concrete building.  When I studied in the old building it was very difficult because the roof was always leaking.”


On school subjects: “I like to come to school because I want to get an education.  I like to learn because I want to know all subjects.  I like Khmer more than the other subjects because I want to know the Khmer language.”


On his hobbies:

“I like to play football because I want to be a football star.  In my free time I like to help my mother with her work.  I also like to study with my friends.”

On his family: “I am 16 years old.  I have one older sister.  She is 19 and dropped out of school after third grade in order to help my mother.  My father divorced my mother when I was three months old.  My mother is a farmer.”


On his future: “I want to be a teacher in the future because I want to teach the next generations.”


Message to the donor: “I thank the Kirin company very much for providing us this school.”