Clod Boran # 176

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Rom Chek Nippon Foundation School Clod Boran is a third grade student at the Rom Chek Nippon Foundation School. Out of the forty-four students in her class, she was ranked fifth. On herself: I am eleven years old. I have six siblings; three go to this school together with […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Rom Chek Nippon

Foundation School

Clod Boran is a third grade student at the Rom Chek Nippon Foundation School.
Out of the forty-four students in her class, she was ranked fifth.

On herself: I am eleven years old. I have six siblings; three go to this school together with me, and three are at [the Sre Thom Nippon Foundation School, #199]. My parents are both farmers. They also sell cakes and other foods out of their house. Our house is half a kilometer from school.


On the new building: I am very happy with the new building. I’ve never gone to a school like this. The new building has new desks, and the teachers come to school every day. It also has brick tiles.


On her spare time:


I do my homework after school. Then I help my parents. I boil the rice, and sweep and clean the house. I don’t have time to play games.


In the future: I would to study at secondary school. If I could do anything I wanted to, I would want to be a doctor. I want to help the people who are sick.