Meas Vuthea # 176

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Rom Chek Nippon Foundation School Mr. Meas Vuthea is the director of the Rom Chek Nippon Foundation School. On himself: I am twenty-seven years old. I teach first grade. I have been a teacher since 1998 and the school director since 2001. I live eighteen kilometers away from the […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Rom Chek Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Meas Vuthea is the director of the Rom Chek Nippon Foundation School.

On himself: I am twenty-seven years old. I teach first grade. I have been a teacher since 1998 and the school director since 2001. I live eighteen kilometers away from the school. It takes me between 30 to 40 minutes by motorcycle to get to school.


On the new building: I am very happy with the new building. We’ve never had a building like this before. When the new school was donated, everyone around helped out with the construction proudly. I thank the donor who supported us with this new school for the children. The old school was covered with thatched roof, but the roof was rotting. Whenever it rained, the rain would disturbed the students and stop the class. To make matters worse, there weren’t enough desks for all the students to sit on. The old school was not located here, but in the middle of the village. The grounds were too small ,and there was no place for the children to play. When the Nippon Foundation donated the new school, the village and community chose to locate the school here, because of the large space.


On decorations: We didn’t have any decorations at the old school. The school was too small; there were only two classrooms. The old school looked too bad to decorate. So I was too lazy to do it. But now that I am working in the new building, I want to decorate.