Opening Ceremony 314

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Nowlen Family School One Opening Ceremony School donor Mr. David Nowlen is greeted at the school’s entrance and shown the way to platform at the opening ceremony of the school he funded. Mr. David Nowlen, wearing a bouquet of flower on his neck gives speech to school children, teachers, […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Nowlen Family School One

Opening Ceremony

School donor Mr. David Nowlen is greeted at the school’s entrance and shown the way to platform at the opening ceremony of the school he funded.

Mr. David Nowlen, wearing a bouquet of flower on his neck gives speech to school children, teachers, villagers and local authorities who rallied at the dedication ceremony held on December 28, 2007 while his wife Chalisa stands by his side.

On behalf of Sihanoukville Municipality Governor, Deputy Chief of Educational Department of Sihanoukville Municipality Mr. Keo Lay gives a letter of ‘thanks’ to the school donor for his contribution to build school for Cambodian children.

School donor’s friend Mr. Jimmy Jacks hand out sports gear to school director.

School donors were warmly greeted by school children who stand on both sides of the path to the new school building they funded.

School donor Mr. David Nowlen cuts the red ribbon to officially inaugurate the new school building.