Eum Chorn # 81

The Cambodia Rural School Project Eric Ratanak Grady Grossman School (October, 2001) Mr. Eum Chorn is a 38-year-old farmer living near the school village.  He has four children and one of his daughters studies at the Eric Ratanak Grady Grossman School. In Their Own Words. . .  On the new building: “I am very happy […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

Eric Ratanak Grady

Grossman School

(October, 2001)

Mr. Eum Chorn is a 38-year-old farmer living near the school village.  He has four children and one of his daughters studies at the Eric Ratanak Grady Grossman School.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building: “I am very happy that we have this new concrete building.  There has never been a concrete building here.  I think that the knowledge that my children get from the teachers at this school will help them to get good jobs in the future.”


Message for the donor: “I would like to thank George and Kari Grady Grossman for their judgment in giving this school to a village in need.”