Ky Kun # 81

The Cambodia Rural School Project Eric Ratanak Grady Grossman School (October, 2001) Ky Kun is a 16-year-old third grade student at the Eric Ratanak Grady Grossman School.  He was ranked second among his 30 classmates at the end of last year.  His house is 1km away from the school and he walks to get there.  […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

Eric Ratanak Grady

Grossman School

(October, 2001)

Ky Kun is a 16-year-old third grade student at the Eric Ratanak Grady Grossman School.  He was ranked second among his 30 classmates at the end of last year.  His house is 1km away from the school and he walks to get there.  His father passed away 10 years ago and his mother is a farmer.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building: “I am very happy that we have this new concrete building because in the old school I would get wet when it rained.”


On school subjects: “I like mathematics, but I don’t like social science.  In social science, we have to draw pictures to demonstrate the meaning of the lessons and my drawings are bad.  I am also weak at reading out loud.  My accent is bad, so I do not pronounce all the words properly.”


On his hobbies: “I like to play football.”


On his future: “I wish to study until high school, but that is unlikely because my mother is poor and probably cannot support the cost of my education.  When I grow up I want to become a nurse or doctor because I will make more money and I can help people.”


If I could go anywhere…: “I want to visit the United States because I think that it is the most developed country in the world.”


Message for the donors: “I want to thank George and Kari Grady Grossman for building this new school for me and the other children in this village.”