Pun Saran # 7

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Alex and Lily Talarico School (August, 2001) Pun Saran is a 19-year-old 10th grade student at the Alex and Lily Talarico School.  She was ranked second among 37 students in her class at the end of last year.  Her father is a soldier and her mother is a housewife. […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Alex and Lily Talarico School

(August, 2001)

Pun Saran is a 19-year-old 10th grade student at the Alex and Lily Talarico School.  She was ranked second among 37 students in her class at the end of last year.  Her father is a soldier and her mother is a housewife.

In Their Own Words . . .

On going to school with her siblings: “One of my three siblings is also at this school.  She is my older sister, and it is nice to have her here because she can explain any questions that I have difficulty with.”


On school subjects: “I like mathematics because when it is explained well it is easy.  I dislike chemistry because it is too complex.”


On her free time: “I like to play volleyball, but I also have to spend a lot of time studying.”


On leaving the town: “I have left this town once, to visit Siem Reap with my classmates and a teacher.  We went to visit Angkor Wat during a school vacation.  I liked it because it is a very old, wonderful temple, with lots of history.  No one could build something like that now.”


If I could go anywhere…: “I would go to Kompong Som because I have heard that it is beautiful and a fun place.”  [Kompong Som, on Cambodia’s southern coast, is famous for its beaches.]


If I could do anything…: “I would work in this village, close to home.  I want to become a teacher, but my mother doesn’t want me to do that.  She thinks that I will get sick from all of the chalk dust.”