Hoeung Sambath # 8

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Masanori Sugihara School Hoeung Sambath, a first grade student  (Mar, 2001) Mr. Hoeung Sambath is in the first grade at The Masanori Sugihara School.  He is 13 years old. In Their Own Words. . .  on the new building “I am happy with the new school building because it […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Masanori Sugihara School

Hoeung Sambath, a first grade student  (Mar, 2001)

Mr. Hoeung Sambath is in the first grade at The Masanori Sugihara School.  He is 13 years old.

In Their Own Words. . . 

on the new building “I am happy with the new school building because it makes me want to study hard.”


on her family “I was born in Thailand because my parents went to live their during the war in Cambodia.  Now my parents live in Cambodia, but I study through the third grade in Thailand.  I can speak some Thai.  I have one sister and one brother.  My brother works in Thailand, and my sister lives there.  She is married to a Thai person.  My mother is a farmer, and my father would be 44 but he died two or three years ago because of a heart problem.”


on school subjects “I like coming to school because I want to learn.  I like to learn Khmer because I already learned mathematics in Thailand.”


on her hobbies “I like to plant vegetables because without doing that, I am afraid that I won’t have any vegetables to eat.  I like to play football when I have free time.”


on her future “I want to be a teacher because I want to help people.”