Ven Chrek # 8

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Masanori Sugihara School Mr. Ven Chrek, a teacher (Mar, 2001) Mr. Ven Chrek teaches the first and third grades at The Masanori Sugihara School. He has been teaching for one year. In Their Own Words. . .  on the new building “I am happy with the new building because […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Masanori Sugihara School

Mr. Ven Chrek, a teacher (Mar, 2001)

Mr. Ven Chrek teaches the first and third grades at The Masanori Sugihara School.
He has been teaching for one year.

In Their Own Words. . . 

on the new building “I am happy with the new building because it is not hot and it is easy to teach in.”


on himself “I am 23 years old and I live with my grandfather near the school.”


on his students “I think my students will become leaders in this village because they know it well and they try hard to learn.” 
on Cambodia’s future “There are more rural schools now so I think that will help Cambodia develop.”


on the joys of his job “I like teaching young kids, so that is my favorite part of the job.”


on school subjects “My students like to learn mathematics and Khmer because they use these subjects every day.  They do not like learning social science because there are no teaching materials.  I like teaching social science because I was trained well in how to teach it, and this subject deals with Cambodian history.  I do not like teaching mathematics because the lessons are long.”


On teaching techniques “I try to give my students good advice and keep them coming to school.”