Chhouk Phoun # 58

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Aeon Jasminum School (August, 2001) Mrs. Chhouk Phoun is a teacher at the Aeon Jasminum School.  She completed the teacher training course and began teaching first grade at this school two months ago. In Their Own Words. . .  On the new building: “I think that it is a […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Aeon Jasminum School

(August, 2001)

Mrs. Chhouk Phoun is a teacher at the Aeon Jasminum School.  She completed the teacher training course and began teaching first grade at this school two months ago.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building: “I think that it is a good thing for the village.  It is easy for students to study in.  After the new building was built, the students didn’t have to worry about rain interrupting lessons.  The old building’s roof would collapse during heavy rain and students would run away during classes, even in the middle of class.”


On teaching: “I have wanted to be a teacher since I was in elementary school.  I went to the teacher training school in Siem Reap for one year.  Education is important for the development of Cambodia because there is a lack of education, teaching and even basic knowledge.  I love teaching because it makes me happy to see kids learn.  However, there are some difficulties.  We have had trouble getting the necessary equipment, textbooks and other things from the government.  Better equipment and more textbooks would make my life easier.”


On school subjects: “I like to teach Khmer and mathematics because they are necessary for life, and most children in first grade do not yet know how to read and write or calculate.  No one subject is difficult for me to teach, but when students don’t comprehend the lessons, it is hard for me.”


On her family:  “My husband is a rice farmer and we have two young children; both are too young for school.  As you can see, it is difficult to balance caring for small children and teaching.  I do both, but it is hard.”


Message for the Aeon Group:  “I deeply thank you for supplying this new building for the students and to help them learn.”