Sean Kunthea # 58

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Aeon Jasminum School (August, 2001) Sean Kunthea is an 11-year-old third grade student at the Aeon Jasminum School.  She is the youngest of five children and her parents are farmers.  Only one of her brothers is in secondary school; everyone else left to work in the fields. In Their […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Aeon Jasminum School

(August, 2001)

Sean Kunthea is an 11-year-old third grade student at the Aeon Jasminum School.  She is the youngest of five children and her parents are farmers.  Only one of her brothers is in secondary school; everyone else left to work in the fields.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building: “I like the new building because it is close to my house and much better than the old one.  The old building flooded when it rained, and so it was hard to go to class and concentrate.”


On school subjects: “I like Khmer because it is part of my culture so I must learn about it.  I like math because I can learn about numbers.”


On her free time: “I help my parents in the fields, do housework and run around with my friends.”


If I could go anywhere…: “I would go to Phnom Penh because they have modern schools and I could get a good education.”


On going to middle school: “I think that graduating from middle school is important for my future because it will make me intelligent.  Also, I will be able to do things that I could not do without graduating, like getting different kinds of jobs.”


On her future: “I want to be a teacher because the teachers here are nice and good, so I want to be like them.”