Chea Heun # 57

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Aeon Lime School Mr. Chea Heun sitting on the steps in front of his home.  His two granddaughters are seated on either side of him, and his mother is in the background.  (August, 2001) Mr. Chea Heun is a farmer living near the Aeon Lime School.  He is 59 […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Aeon Lime School

Mr. Chea Heun sitting on the steps in front of his home.  His two granddaughters are seated on either side of him, and his mother is in the background.  (August, 2001)

Mr. Chea Heun is a farmer living near the Aeon Lime School.  He is 59 and has five children and three grandchildren.

In Their Own Words

On the new building: “It is good because it is new and because my grandchildren will be able to go there.  It has made the village better because more villagers can now send their children to school.


On his children: “My children and I all went to primary school.  One of my sons went to secondary school, but that was it.  It is important for my grandchildren to go on to other schools because it is important for them to get an education.”