Pav Sovannary # 63

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Aeon Mango School Pav Sovannary, a 14-year-old sixth grader at the Aeon Mango School. (July, 2001) Pav Sovannary is a 14-year-old sixth grader at the Aeon Mango School.  She has one sister and one brother.  Her older sister is in secondary school and her younger brother is too young […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Aeon Mango School

Pav Sovannary, a 14-year-old sixth grader at the Aeon Mango School. (July, 2001)

Pav Sovannary is a 14-year-old sixth grader at the Aeon Mango School.  She has one sister and one brother.  Her older sister is in secondary school and her younger brother is too young to go to school.  Her mother sells vegetables and her father repairs motorcycles for a living

In Their Own Words. . . 

On school subjects: “I like Khmer because I am Khmer and it is important for me to know.  I dislike mathematics because it is difficult and I have trouble concentrating on it.”


On her hobbies: “When I have free time, I help my mother sell things.  I also like to play volleyball.”


On Angkor: “I have left the village once, to go to Angkor Thom temple.  I thought it was good because it means many visitors for Cambodia and it will bring money here too.  I was happy  to see it and very proud of it, but I was unhappy that other Cambodians had stolen parts of it.”


On her future: ” I want to graduate from high school and work in a hotel.  That way I can learn and practice English.  I like learning English and computer skills here already and I want to use them.”


Message for donor:  “I would like to thank the Aeon Group for giving us this new building.”