Som Roy # 59

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Aeon Orange School (July, 2001) Mrs. Som Roy is a farmer living near the Aeon Orange School. In Their Own Words. . . On her family and education: “One of my grandchildren will go to school next year.  No one else from my family has gone to school.  I […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Aeon Orange School

(July, 2001)

Mrs. Som Roy is a farmer living near the Aeon Orange School.

In Their Own Words. . .

On her family and education: “One of my grandchildren will go to school next year.  No one else from my family has gone to school.  I will be happy when my grandchild starts going to school.”


On the new building: “I think that the new building is important for the village because the children that go to school are happy.  Now that they can have classes during the rainy season, all the villagers want to send their children to school very much.”