Khem Pok # 62

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Aeon Rain Tree School (August, 2001) Khem Pok is a 10-year-old first grade student at the Aeon Rain Tree School.  He was ranked second among his 50 classmates at the end of last year.  His parents are farmers and he has three siblings. In Their Own Words. . .  […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Aeon Rain Tree School

(August, 2001)

Khem Pok is a 10-year-old first grade student at the Aeon Rain Tree School.  He was ranked second among his 50 classmates at the end of last year.  His parents are farmers and he has three siblings.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building:  “I like it because it is new.  There are more students, too.”


On his dislikes: “I don’t like farming.  It is very difficult and it makes me tired.  I spend lots of time in the fields with my family.”


On his favorite thing to do: “I like to go and buy fruit.”


On his future: “I want to go to secondary school so that I can get a job.”


Message for the Aeon Group: In English:  “Thank you big big!”  [He is taking private English lessons and was excited to practice on someone new.]