Saem Sokat # 128

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Angkor Ban Nippon Foundation School Saem Sokat is a 13-year-old third grade student at the Angkor Ban Nippon Foundation School. She was ranked first in her class of 54 students On herself:   I have two brothers and three sisters. Both of my brothers and one sister are studying […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Angkor Ban Nippon

Foundation School

Saem Sokat is a 13-year-old third grade student at the Angkor Ban Nippon Foundation School.
She was ranked first in her class of 54 students

On herself:


I have two brothers and three sisters. Both of my brothers and one sister are studying with me at school. My parents are both farmers. My father is also a soldier. My family moved here in 1979. Our house is 250 meters from the school.


On the new building:


I am very happy because of the new school. I like the new school. It’s pretty. The old school had a tin roof and wooden walls. It was too old. This school is made of concrete. Because the roof at the old school had many holes in it, the rain would always leak through and make studying uncomfortable.


Favorite subject:


I like math most because I can calculate numbers very well.


On her summer vacation:


I’ll be working in the fields, picking corn.


If she could make any wish:


I would want money to spend on food and other expenses.


If she could do anything:


I want to be a nurse. When relatives or other people get a fever, I can cure them.


If she could travel anywhere


I want to go to Phnom Penh and visit all the pleasant [tourist] sights.