Keo Chanda # 20

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Ann Morrison School (November, 2001) Keo Chanda is a 14-year-old fifth grade student at the Ann Morrison School.  He was ranked first among the 32 students in his class last year.  His father lost a leg as a soldier, though Keo does not know for whom he was fighting.  […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Ann Morrison School

(November, 2001)

Keo Chanda is a 14-year-old fifth grade student at the Ann Morrison School.  He was ranked first among the 32 students in his class last year.  His father lost a leg as a soldier, though Keo does not know for whom he was fighting.  His mother is a farmer and his little sister is in second grade at the same school.

In Their Own Word 

On the new building: “I like to go to school, and I like the new building very much because it has enough tables for all the students to sit.  The old building didn’t have enough tables, and it was hard to pay attention because there were no walls.”


On school subjects: “My favorite lessons are mathematics and Khmer because I understand them well and get good scores.  I don’t like applied science because I do not understand it.”


On his hobbies: “I spend my free time reading books about Khmer people and culture.  Sometimes, I help my parents with housework.  I like playing football and volleyball with my classmates as well.  Once, I went to Phnom Penh with my older brother to watch the water festival.”


On his future: “I want to got to Kampong Chhnang province to continue my studies there.  I would like to be a public school teacher in the future, because I want to share my knowledge with other people and I want them to understand me as well.”