Yorng Theara # 20

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Ann Morrison School (November, 2001) Yorng Theara is a 15-year-old sixth grade student at the school.  She was ranked ninth among the 42 students in her fifth grade class.  She has three siblings at the school, and they are all younger than her.  Her parents are rice farmers. In […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Ann Morrison School

(November, 2001)

Yorng Theara is a 15-year-old sixth grade student at the school.  She was ranked ninth among the 42 students in her fifth grade class.  She has three siblings at the school, and they are all younger than her.  Her parents are rice farmers.

In Their Own Word 


On the new building:  “I live far from the new building—about one kilometer.  I walk to school, and I like coming here because all of my friends are here as well.  We have many new things like new tables, nice walls, and windows.  It is nice in this building and much easier to study here because it is very comfortable to sit at the tables.  I do not worry about the rain leaking through the roof, either.  The old building had bad tables and no windows or doors.”


On school subjects: “I like social science and mathematics.  I like social science because it teaches me about dignity and good manners.  I like mathematics because I can use it in the future.  Khmer lessons are difficult for me to understand.”


On her hobbies: “I like to read books when I have free time, and I study together with my friends.” 
On her future: “I would like to graduate from high school so that I can have a good future.  I would like to go to the United States because I have heard that there are many opportunities and jobs there.  I would also like to be a nurse, so that I can help my relatives and patients in the village.”